Programs We Offer

Moe the Mouse

Moe the Mouse: A literacy-based program that was started in British Columbia. Moe the Mouse is focused on the understanding of the importance of language. The program talks about the adventures of Moe the Mouse and his friends. Each friend is based on Canada’s animals; these include Moose, Loon, Frog, Wolf, Bear, Beaver, Squirrel, and others. The children learn their sounds and sing songs about Moe and his friends. The children also are given a workbook and have visits with Moe and write about their adventures.

If you would like more information you can check out there website here at

Tea Tree Tells

Tea Tree Tells a program based around child abuse prevention. Using Tea Tree the turtle, the children learn about the importance of trusted adults, feelings, body parts (including private areas), boundaries, secrets. The program gives the staff a lesson plan to follow and activities for the children to help with their understanding. A brief excerpt from the program: “Child sexual abuse is a serious problem within our society and occurs more frequently than people realize. In order to protect children, it is important to understand what child sexual abuse is, how it happens, and how to recognize behavior that may signal a child in distress. Research shows that teaching children safety skills during their early years increases the likelihood they would disclose sexual abuse.”

If you would like more information you can check out there website here at

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